Welcome Message

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. Writing has always been my way of expressing thoughts and ideas when the spoken word feels inadequate. As a child, I particularly loved the stories of Dr. Seuss because they sparked my imagination and had a lyrical quality that made reading a joy. Later in life, I was fortunate to learn from English teachers and professors who helped me develop both the technical and creative aspects of writing. Although I didn’t fully appreciate their guidance at the time, I came to value it deeply when I became an educator myself.

Throughout my professional career as a physical therapy instructor, researcher, and consultant, I’ve refined my technical writing skills, but I’ve always longed to share my knowledge and ideas in a more creative way. Amazing Grays is a collection of short stories that merges my love of trivia and fascination with the human body with my spiritual beliefs.

My second book, BodyWorks, focuses on similar themes but presents them in a more concise, poetic format. These odes are a tribute to God’s creativity, which has inspired my own. I hope they inspire you as well!