About The Author

Martha R. Hinman, PT, DPT, EdD

Dr. Martha Hinman holds baccalaureate and doctoral degrees in physical therapy (PT) as well as a master’s degree in health education and a doctorate in allied health education and administration. After working as a clinician for several years, Dr. Hinman transitioned her career into higher education and research. Over the past 45 years, she has mentored hundreds of students and faculty members at universities in Indiana, Maine, Texas, South Carolina, and New York. Dr. Hinman is currently developing a new Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Long Island University. She also holds emeritus status at Hardin-Simmons University in Texas and remains active as an educational consultant and accreditation reviewer for many PT programs nationwide.

Dr. Hinman combined her knowledge as a health care professional with her Christian faith to produce her first two books, Amazing Grays and BodyWorks. In addition, she has published 50 journal articles and book chapters, delivered more than 70 scientific and educational presentations, and received numerous awards for her teaching, research, and professional service. Dr. Hinman is semi-retired and resides in Abilene, Texas, alongside her loving spouse, Pete Hinman, Jr.